Gold Vapor Laser System for Photodynamic Therapy 

Laser system
Application in oncology
Clinical practice
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CORYRIGHT 2001 © O.Ponomareva

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From 1985 to, 1996 the total number of the patients treated by us using different laser systems was 1544 (2622 skin lesions). High power lasers - Nd:YAG and C02 lasers were used by us only for surgical treatment.

Low power lasers: Helium-Neon (He-Ne) laser. Copper vapour pumped dye laser with Rhodamines and Gold vapour laser which were applied by us to: photodynamic therapy of malignant tumors, and biostimulation for healing wounds and regeneration of tissues.

As regards the Copper vapour laser, we applied it to the treatment of pigmented skin lesions and port-wine hemangiomas.

Table 2 lists the types of the laser used by us in dermatological surgery and therapy. The number of skin lesions treated with each type the laser is showed in Table_3.

Table 2. Lasers used by us in dermatology

Laser type

Wave lenght (nm) 

 Timing of        radiation  Delivery of   beam 

 Power on    the tip of fiber (W)

Carbon dioxide (gas)


Continuous wave

Articulated arm 

Copper vapour  511 and 578  Medium  pulsed Fiberoptic cable 


(Rhodamines in liquid 
630  Long pulsed

Fiberoptic cable 


Gold vapour 628 Medium  pulsed  Fiberoptic cable 


Helium-Neon (gas)  633  Continuous  wave Fiberoptic 


Nd: YAG (solid)  1064  Continuous 
wave. Long pulsed, 
Medium pulsed 
Fiberoptic    cable,  Sapphire tips 


Table 3. Number of patients and skin lesions treated with different laser types type

Laser type No of patients No of skin lesions
CO2  508 727
Copper vapour  13 33
Copper vapour pumped Dye laser  21 44
Gold vapour 49 151
Helium-Neon  32 37
Nd:YAG 921 1630
Total  1544 2622

There were 1143 malignant tumours and 1479 benign lesions among all the skin lesions treated by us with different laser types. 

Photodynamic therapy (PDT), i.e. laser excitation of photosensitizer localized in tumour was applied by us only to: malignant melanoma's treatment (38 lesions), metastatical skin lesion's treatment (22 lesions) advanced skin carcinoma's T3-T4 (34 foci) and residual or recurrent skin carcinoma's (101 lesions) treatment. Speaking about surgical laser treatment with Nd: YAG or CO2 lasers, we provided this treatment for the patients with T1-2 basal cell carcinoma (693 foci) for the patients with T1-2 squamous cell carcinoma and for the patients with benign tumours (1406), too.

Copper vapour laser was used only in vascular lesions treatment (33 lesions). Helium-Neon and Gold vapour lasers alone (without photosensitizers) were applied to biostimulation for healing wounds and regenerations of tissues (40 lesions).

Table 4 presents our laser treatment experience in dermatology.

Table 4. Laser treatment Experience in Dermatology

Lesions No of lesions  Used lasers PDT
( sensitizer + laser )
  CO2 Nd:YAG  He-ne Copper  He-ne Dye  Gold
Malignant 1143 + - -
Squamous cells carcinoma  361  - -
Basal cells 
722  - -
Melanoma  38  - - - -

Others 22 - - -
Benign  1479 - - - -
1 Vascular 
Hemangiomas: 179 - - - -
capillary  57  - - - -
cavernous 55 - - - -
Telangiectasias 18 - - - -
Port wain stains 23 - - - - - -
Other 26  - - - -
NON- vascular 
Nevi  277 - - - - -
Papillomas 406 - - - -
Karatomas 346  - - -
Verrucae vulgaris  66  - - - - -
Condylomas  58 - - - - -
Fibromas 42 - - - - -
Keloids 21 - - - - -
Xanthelasmas 19  - - - - -
Tronic ulcers 16 - - - - - -
Wounds  22  - - - - - -
Other 27 
Total  2622

All surgical laser treatment procedures, except two" woe provided with local anesthesia. 2% lignocaine solution usually was used during the surgical procedures.

Low power laser therapy (without photosensitizers) can provide analgesia for the pain itself. PDT for about 60% of the total number of the treated patients was painful. For the other it was painless. During POT usually general analgesia with i/m injection of Baralgine solution was used.

The total number of 1544 patients were treated. There were 604 male and 940 female among them. Speaking about the ^e of the patients it should be said that there were 11 patients under 3, 23 were at the age from 3 to 7. 104 were aged from 8 to 15, 376 were from 16 to 30" 651 were aged from 31 to 60, 335 were between 61 and 79 and 44 patients were over 80. There were 674 patients with malignant tumours and 870 ones with benign skin lesions.

All these patients suspected with malignant diseases had to pass morphological examionations. Those who turned out to have proved malignances entered the study. Most of them were seen four or six weeks later the laser treatment and were taken care of by us for 13-5 years. The minimum frequency of follow up was recommended twice a year. Most patients with vasculas lesions were seen from three to six months later the laser treatment The patients with nevi were seen from two to six months later the laser treatment.
Any patients who did not obtain a complete response or who relapsed after the treatment was reffered for repeated lasers treatment or for any other appropriate treatment.

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